International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

Countries Weeds Herbicides Mutations Graphs References Researchers
Inhibition of Microtubule Assembly - HRAC GROUP K1
Inhibition of Microtubule Assembly
 ActiveCompanyExample Trade NameWSSA   


 Benzamidespropyzamide/pronamide184 Kerb, RH-315, propyzamideK1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Benzamidestebutam185Syngenta (ex Nov.)Comodor, CGA 39625K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure

Benzoic acids

 Benzoic acidschlorthal-dimethyl/DCPA166Syngenta (ex Zen.)DCPA, Dacthal, DAC 893K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Dinitroanilinesbenefin=benfluralin173Dow AgroSciencesBalan, benefin, EL110K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesbutralin168Bayer Crop Science (ex Aventis)Tamex, AMCHEM 70-25K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesdinitramine169Wacker GMBHCobex, USB 3584K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesethalfluralin172Dow AgroSciencesSonalan, EL-161K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesfluchloralin315BASF K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesisopropalin1381  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesnitralin1382  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesoryzalin167Dow AgroSciencesSurflan, Ryzelan, EL-119K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinespendimethalin171BASF (ex Am.Cy.)Prowl, Pentagon, Stomp, Herbadox, AC 92553K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesprodiamine170Syngenta (ex Nov.)Barricade, Rydex, SAN-745HK1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesprofluralin1383  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinestrifluralin174Dow AgroSciencesTreflan, L-36352K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Phosphoroamidatesamiprofos-methyl175  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Phosphoroamidatesbutamifos176SumitomoCremart, butamifos, S-2846K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 PhosphoroamidatesDMPA1380  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Pyridinesdithiopyr177Rohm & HaasDimension, Stakeout, MON-7200, MON-1500K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Pyridinesthiazopyr178Rohm & HaasVisor, RH-123652K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly 3 Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
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Cite this site as: Heap, I.  The International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds.  Online.  Internet.  Monday, December 30, 2024 .  Available
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