Inhibition of Microtubule Assembly - GROUP 3 (Legacy HRAC Group K1)
 ActiveCompanyExample Trade Name   


 Benzamidespropyzamide/pronamide184 Kerb, RH-315, propyzamideK1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Benzamidestebutam185Syngenta (ex Nov.)Comodor, CGA 39625K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure

Benzoic acids

 Benzoic acidschlorthal-dimethyl/DCPA166Syngenta (ex Zen.)DCPA, Dacthal, DAC 893K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Dinitroanilinesbenefin=benfluralin173Dow AgroSciencesBalan, benefin, EL110K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesbutralin168Bayer Crop Science (ex Aventis)Tamex, AMCHEM 70-25K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesdinitramine169Wacker GMBHCobex, USB 3584K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesethalfluralin172Dow AgroSciencesSonalan, EL-161K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesfluchloralin315BASF K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesisopropalin1381  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesnitralin1382  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesoryzalin167Dow AgroSciencesSurflan, Ryzelan, EL-119K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinespendimethalin171BASF (ex Am.Cy.)Prowl, Pentagon, Stomp, Herbadox, AC 92553K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesprodiamine170Syngenta (ex Nov.)Barricade, Rydex, SAN-745HK1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinesprofluralin1383  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Dinitroanilinestrifluralin174Dow AgroSciencesTreflan, L-36352K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Phosphoroamidatesamiprofos-methyl175  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Phosphoroamidatesbutamifos176SumitomoCremart, butamifos, S-2846K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 PhosphoroamidatesDMPA1380  K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure


 Pyridinesdithiopyr177Rohm & HaasDimension, Stakeout, MON-7200, MON-1500K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure
 Pyridinesthiazopyr178Rohm & HaasVisor, RH-123652K1Inhibition of Microtubule AssemblyInhibition of Microtubule Assembly Small Structure Medium Structure Large Structure

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Heap, I.  The International Herbicide-Resistant Weed Database.  Online.  Thursday, October 17, 2024 .  Available Copyright © 1993- 2024 All rights reserved. Fair use of this material is encouraged. Proper citation is requested.